'La promesse du droit international : des solutions aux crises qui secouent le monde.'
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Thank you Intertask for all your work
Public sector award panel
Prof. Jennifer Hillman and Adrienne
Plénière d’ouverture
Panel on Keeping the Promises of International Law Approaches to Fostering Treaty Compliance
Panel on preparing and examining witnesses
Keynote address by the Honourable Thomas Cromwell
Congres_ 111 sussex
Banquet at Museum
Discussing BREXIT and the repercussions for Canada
CCIL President Adrienne Jarabek Marion welcomes Stéphane Dion
The Green Room
CCIL 2016 Ottawa. Thank you to Johann Kwan for your fantastic photography!
Prof. Donald McRae and John E. Read medal recipient Valerie Hughes
Steven Kurelek, Justice Canada opens respondent's argument in mock ICJ Climate change hearing
Thank you to our Rapporteurs
Stéphane Dion
Adrienne Jarabek Marion, Fatou Bensouda and Stéphane Dion
Fatou Bensouda and Stéphane Dion
CCIL President Adrienne Jarabek Marion
Mock Climate Change Hearing
Silvia Maciunas presents jurisdiction and treaty compliance arguments for respondent in mock climate change hearing
Banquet at Museum
Valering Hughes currently introducing Hon. Thomas Cromwell, SCC Justice
SQDI_RQDI panel sur la crise des migrants
Panel tonight on 'The Promise of International Criminal Law'
ICC Prosecutor delivers keynote. We must strengthen global accountability for atrocity crimes
Discussion on 'The Promise of International Criminal Law'
Dan moore, Alex Neve, Amnesty, Leilani Farha - implementing Canada's internat'l human rights
CIGI-sponsored panel on carbon pricing