Lauréat de la Médaille John E. Read

Edward Lee
Edward Lee was the 2008 Read Medal Recipient.
Past president and long time executive member of the Canadian Council on International Law, Edward (Ted) Lee, QC, earned law degrees from the University of British Columbia and Harvard. He joined the then-Department of External Affairs in 1956 and served in Djakarta and London, and ultimately as Legal Advisor between 1973-75. He was Canadian Ambassador to Israel and High Commissioner to Cyprus (1975-79) and Ambassador to South Africa and High Commissioner to Lesotho and Swaziland (1983-86), before returning to serve a second term as Legal Advisor (1986-1990). He served as Canadian Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the UN Organizations in Vienna (1990-93). During his career at External Affairs, Mr. Lee was also Director of Personnel, Assistant Under Secretary for USA Affairs and Assistant Deputy Minister for Legal, Consular & Immigration Affairs.