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Andrew Astritis


Andrew Astritis

LL.B., Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2004

B.A. Hons., Political Science, 2001

Mr. Astritis’ proposed program of study focuses on the relationship between economic development models, international organizations and human rights law. He will examine the development of the World Bank Inspection Panel and evaluate its potential to becoming a meaningful component of an effective international human rights regime. Mr. Astritis will be pursuing a Masters Program at Oxford University, Faculty of Law.

Erica Bussey

J.D. Hons., Law, University of Toronto, 2004

M.A. Philosophy, U.C.L.A., 2000

B.A. Hons., Philosophy/Political Science, University of Toronto, 1997

Ms. Bussey will pursue a one-year Masters program in law at the University of Cambridge. She plans to focus on international human rights, the law of international dispute resolution and international criminal law, and to concentrate on these issues particularly as they relate to the African context.

Miloud Chennoufi

Ph.D., Science politique, Université de Montréal, en progrès. Maîtrise, Administration, HEC Montréal, 2001

Maîtrise, Sciences économiques, Université d’Alger, 1997

B.A., Science économiques, Université d’Alger, 1994

M. Chennoufi poursuivra ses études doctorales en science politique offert au Département de science politique de l’Université de Montréal. Sa thèse, intitulée « Du projet de paix perpétuelle de Kant à la paix comme projet perpétuel du point de vue cosmopolite », porte sur le problème de la paix en lien notamment avec la possibilité d’un droit cosmopolite informé par le droit international actuellement en vigueur. Les deux champs de spéciali- sation de M. Chennoufi sont la philosophie politique et les relations internationales.


Jeff King

D.Phil, Law, University of Oxford, in progress. B.CL/LL.B., Law, McGill University, 2003

B.A. Hons., Philosophy, University of Ottawa, 1996

Mr. King will be continuing his D.Phil program in law at the University of Oxford where he is focusing on the comparative constitutional and international protection of human rights. His thesis is that social welfare rights to housing, education and health care as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ought to become constitutionally entrenched rights subject to judicial enforcement in all common law countries. Mr. King aims to explain why the judicial system is a competent, legitimate and indeed necessary institution for protecting the welfare rights of the poor and excluded members of society.


Erica Bussey
Miloud Chennoufi
Jeff King

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